Moin Moin is a kind of food that can be complement with Jollof Rice, Fried Rice, Custard, Pap, etc. It can even be eaten alone as a snack with a soft drink. Enjoy!

*       3 cigar cups of Beans
*       3 pieces of Eggs
*       Vegetable Oil - 3 cooking spoons
*       Tatashe
*       Crayfish
*       Fresh Pepper
*       Onions – 3 medium sized bulbs
*       Salt to taste
*       3 cubes of maggi
*       Aluminum foil

1.       Soak and wash the beans to remove the coat. When the entire coat has been removed, place the beans in a bowl and pour enough water to cover it. Leave to soak for three hours. This is so that the best consistency will be achieved when you blend the beans. Cook egg till hard boiled and slice. Also wash the tatashe, onions, fresh pepper, crayfish and set aside. Ensure to remove the tatashe seeds as they have a tendency to give meals a bitter taste.

2.      Now that the beans is soaked and the bean seed is tender when you pinch it, it is time to blend or grind it Feel the resulting paste with your fingers.

3.      Moin Moin is a food that is prepared cold. All the mixing and adding of ingredients is done off the stove. That is to say, once you start cooking, there is no going back! You cannot decide to add more salt or seasoning or a new ingredient later. So getting it right at the mixing stage is very important.

4.      Mix the beans, tatashe, onions, crayfish and pepper together and put in a big bowl enough to contain it. Prepare about half a litre of warm water. This will be used in mixing the moi moi. Don’t use hot water for this purpose as it may cause the mix to be lumpy.

5.      Slowly add the warm water and stir the mixture at the same time. When you have achieved medium consistency, add salt to taste, 3 cooking spoons of vegetable oil and the Maggi cubes. Stir the mixture very well and start putting the mix in the aluminum foil while you add the sliced eggs.

6.      Pad the base of a big pot and set the moi moi containers in the pot, add a small quantity of water so that the moi moi will not become watery when done and start cooking. 

7.      Cook the Moi Moi for at least 1 hour, before checking it. Confirm that it is done by putting a knife through it, if the knife is stained with Moin Moin paste, then the Moi Moi is not done, but if the knife just has a slight smear of Moin Moin, then it's done. Also, when you cut through the Moi Moi, the insides will be firm and not watery.

8.      Then food is ready to eat with any choice of your complements.


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